Sunday, November 16, 2008

Challenging Cultural Biases

I felt that this article was pretty self-explanatory after having this class this semester. This article was about challenging cultural biases that we have as teachers, which is a really good idea. However, I feel that we have been doing that this semester as it is. It was a good article, but I also feel that we have read similar articles during this class and other classes this semester. 
It is true that both inservice and pre-service teachers have their own cultural experiences and biases towards other cultures. I feel that in class we have conquered some of our own cultural biases that we might have had without realizing we had them. It is very important for teachers to get to know their students and use their experiences in the classroom. I also liked how the author pointed out that communities and families were valuable resources for teaching science. One of the people said that by relating what's being taught in the classroom to things they do at home, the students will be more interested and get more out of the lesson. 

I think while reading this, I was more critical of the layout and structure of the research, than of what they were actually discussing. I think that I was doing this because for our inquiry project we are reading a lot of research papers to try and get the feel of how to write them and what to include. 

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